Incidence and Mortality of Childhood Cancer Among Children of Farmer Pesticide Applications

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) (NIH)
Overall Status
Completed ID

Study Details

Study Description

Brief Summary

Previous studies have estabished pesticide exposure as a possible risk factor for childhood cancer. The Agricultural Health Study (AHS), a prospective cohort study of pesticide exposure among 51,000 pesticide applicators in North Carolina and Iowa, provides an opportunity to study childhood cancer incidence and mortality among the children of pesticide applicators. Name and dates of birth for 21,985 children were previously provided by adult participants in the AHS. The current study seeks to identify cases of cancer among these children through record linkage to state cancer and death registries. Cancer incidence and mortality within the cohort will be compared with national data through standardized incidence and mortality ratios. A limited case-cohort comparison of pesticide exposures will also be performed. Approximately 44 cases of childhood cancer are expected to be identified. No follow-up or contact with cases is anticipated. It is anticipated that the study results will provide insight into the relationship of pesticide and other farm exposures to the pathogenesis of childhood cancer.

Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment Phase

    Detailed Description

    Previous studies have estabished pesticide exposure as a possible risk factor for childhood cancer. The Agricultural Health Study (AHS), a prospective cohort study of pesticide exposure among 51,000 pesticide applicators in North Carolina and Iowa, provides an opportunity to study childhood cancer incidence and mortality among the children of pesticide applicators. Name and dates of birth for 21,985 children were previously provided by adult participants in the AHS. The current study seeks to identify cases of cancer among these children through record linkage to state cancer and death registries. Cancer incidence and mortality within the cohort will be compared with national data through standardized incidence and mortality ratios. A limited case-cohort comparison of pesticide exposures will also be performed. Approximately 44 cases of childhood cancer are expected to be identified. No follow-up or contact with cases is anticipated. It is anticipated that the study results will provide insight into the relationship of pesticide and other farm exposures to the pathogenesis of childhood cancer.

    Study Design

    Study Type:
    Official Title:
    Incidence and Mortality of Childhood Cancer Among Children of Farmer Pesticide Applicators
    Study Start Date :
    Jun 28, 2000
    Study Completion Date :
    Jun 11, 2007

    Outcome Measures

    Primary Outcome Measures

      Eligibility Criteria


      Ages Eligible for Study:
      N/A and Older
      Sexes Eligible for Study:
      Accepts Healthy Volunteers:

      Subjects will be included in the study if they are children of private pesticide applicators who participated in the AHS, and were born between 1975 and 1996.


      Subjects with age greater than 19 years during this period will be excluded as the outcome under study is childhood cancer.

      Contacts and Locations


      Site City State Country Postal Code
      1 National Cancer Institute Bethesda Maryland United States 20892
      2 NIEHS, Research Triangle Park Research Triangle Park North Carolina United States 27709
      3 Environmental Protection Agency Research Triangle Park North Carolina United States 27711

      Sponsors and Collaborators

      • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)


      None specified.

      Study Documents (Full-Text)

      None provided.

      More Information


      None provided.
      Responsible Party:
      , , Identifier:
      Other Study ID Numbers:
      • 999900025
      • OH00-E-N025
      First Posted:
      Jun 21, 2006
      Last Update Posted:
      Jul 2, 2017
      Last Verified:
      Jun 11, 2007

      Study Results

      No Results Posted as of Jul 2, 2017