STROKEM: Neural Bases of Post-stroke Emotion Perception Disorders
Study Details
Study Description
Brief Summary
This monocentric physiological study will evaluate the neural bases of visual recognition of emotions in stroke patients vs. healthy controls using MRI (functional and structural connectivity) and EEG.
Condition or Disease | Intervention/Treatment | Phase |
Detailed Description
This monocentric physiological study will evaluate the neural bases of visual recognition of emotions in stroke patients vs healthy controls (2 groups of 40 subjects). It will include functional MRI, structural MRI (disconnectome), EEG, and behavioral assessments of emotion recognition and executive functions.
Study Design
Arms and Interventions
Arm | Intervention/Treatment |
Stroke Stroke patients (ischemic or hemorrhagic) in the chronic phase (> 6 months) |
Healthy controls Healthy adult controls |
Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures
- BOLD signal when fear visual recognition [1 day]
Compare correlations of cerebral functional activations (BOLD) by fMRI between groups when stimulus = fear
Secondary Outcome Measures
- BOLD signal when happiness visual recognition [1 day]
Compare correlations of cerebral functional activations (BOLD) by fMRI between groups when stimulus = happiness
- Electrical connectivity (EEG) when fear visual recognition [1 day]
Compare cerebral networks activated by a fear visual task recognition in both groups
- Electrical connectivity (EEG) when fear happiness visual recognition [1 day]
Compare cerebral networks activated by a happiness visual task recognition in both groups
- Electrical connectivity (EEG) when emotions auditory recognition [1 day]
Compare cerebral networks activated by an auditory task recognition in both groups
- Relationship between behavioral performance and cerebral networks [1 day]
Correlations between fMRI and EEG networks vs. behavioral performance (emotion recognition)
- Structural connectivity [1 day]
Disconnectome maps in the stroke patients group
- Relationship between emotional self-assessment and cerebral networks [1 day]
Correlation between the ESQ (emotional state questionnaire) and cerebral connectivity (EEG) and fMRI networks
- Relationship between the behavioural performance in emotion recognition and executive functions [1 day]
Correlation between behavioral performance in emotion recognition (Eckman Test) and executive functions (Stroop Test) in the stroke group
- Relationship between lesion characteristics and the behavioral performance in emotion recognition [1 day]
Correlation between lesion volume and the behavioural performance in emotion recognition (Eckman Test)
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Stroke group:
Man or Woman
Age 18-80y
Unique stroke, ischemic or hemorrhagic
at the chronic phase (< 6 months)
Written informed consent
subject having a social insurance
Subject who consent to complete all the study's experiments
Healthy controls group:
Man or Woman
Age 18-80y
No history of neurological or psychiatric disease.
Exclusion Criteria:
Stroke group
Subject who is unable to consent (due to dementia, severe aphasia, psychiatric disorder...)
History of other neurologic disorders
Significant le vel of depression or anxiety, assessed by the STAI and the BDI questionnaires
Non corrected visual loss
Subjects suffering from visual neglect (assessed by the Bells Test and a bisection test (20mm)
contra-indications to MRI
pregnant or breastfeeding woman
Women of childbearing age without effective contraception
Healthy controls group
Subject who is unable to consent (due to dementia, severe aphasia, psychiatric disorder...)
History of neurologic disorders
Significant level of depression or anxiety, assessed by the STAI and the BDI questionnaires
Non-corrected visual loss
contra-indications to MRI
pregnant or breastfeeding woman
Women of childbearing age without effective contraception
Contacts and Locations
No locations specified.Sponsors and Collaborators
- University Hospital, Lille
- Groupement Interrégional de Recherche Clinique et d'Innovation
- Principal Investigator: Etienne Allart, MD, University Hospital, Lille
Study Documents (Full-Text)
None provided.More Information
None provided.- 2019_12
- 2020-A00193-36