TICP: Pleural Carcinomatosis Tissue Banking
Study Details
Study Description
Brief Summary
Malignant pleural effusion is a common evolution of various cancers and is associated with poor prognosis and quality of life. About 28% of patients with primary malignancy will develop pleural metastasis. Malignant pleural effusion mostly occurs in lung, breast, ovarian and gastric cancers. Median survival ranges from 3 to 13 months according to primary malignancy. Currently, the therapeutic approach is mainly palliative with videothoracoscopic talc pleurodesis or indwelling pleural catheters insertion eventually associated with systemic chemotherapy if patient's general condition allows.
In a early-disseminated tumor cells profile, metastatic cells can accumulate alterations at a distant site and have a different profil from the original tumor cells. Metastatic cells can also accumulate alterations in the course if systemic treatments. Consequently, they may respond differently to drugs.
Recently, EGFR mutations and ALK status discordance between primary tumors and pleural metastases have been demonstrated in a significant portion of lung adenocarcinomas. These studies, realized on malignant pleural effusion isolated cells, enabled us to hypothesize a possible intratumoral heterogeneity within pleural metastases, but no study has been carried out on pleural tissue.
Our aim is to create a biocollection with tissues from pleural carcinomatosis in order to subsequently allow multiomics and bioinformatics analyzes and to characterize a possible intratumoral heterogeneity in pleural metastasis.
Condition or Disease | Intervention/Treatment | Phase |
Study Design
Arms and Interventions
Arm | Intervention/Treatment |
malignant pleural effusion Patients with malignant pleural effusion who underwent pleural biopsies and blood tests under general anesthesia |
Genetic: Conserving routinely performed pleural biopsies in our biological resources center to realize multiomics and bioinformatics analyzes secondarily
Interventions will consist of a diagnostic and symptomatic videothoracoscopy in patients with pleural metastasis under general anesthesia, as part of a standard of care procedure. Fragments of these pleural biopsies (one for routine diagnosis and two for scientific purposes) will enrich the biocollection. Five blood samples will be taken at the time of surgery (3 to 5 ml / tube). These biological samples will be stored in the HCL CRB tumor bank. At the same time, patient demographic data will be collected and anonymized. In the long term, the biological material will be used by IARC for carrying out multi-omics and bioinformatics analyzes
Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures
- Blood samples are collected and a piece of biopsy will be used for the constitution of a specific collection in the CRB (Centre de ressource biologique) [At Day 1: day of surgery]
Blood samples are collected and a piece of biopsy will be used for the constitution of a specific collection in the CRB (Centre de ressource biologique)
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Male or female over 18 years old
Malignant pleural effusion with or without prior histological or cytological diagnosis
Patient eligible for a pleural biopsy for diagnostic purposes and validated in a multidisciplinary consultation meeting
Having given their free and informed writing consent
Affiliated to a social security system or assimilated
Exclusion Criteria:
Malignant pleural mesothelioma
Contraindication to general anesthesia
Pregnant or breastfeeding woman, or is of child bearing potential and who did not agree to use highly effective methods of birth control throughout the study.
Patient participating in a interventional study likely to interfere with this study
Patient benefiting from a legal protection measure (guardianship or curatorship)
Contacts and Locations
Site | City | State | Country | Postal Code | |
1 | Louis Pradel Hospital | Bron | France | 69500 |
Sponsors and Collaborators
- Hospices Civils de Lyon
- Principal Investigator: Gabrielle Drevet, MD, Department of Thoracic Surgery - Louis Pradel Hospital
Study Documents (Full-Text)
None provided.More Information
None provided.- 69HCL21_0116
- 2021-A00761-40