Name Job Title Organization
Linda Addison-Hardy Lead Extraml Support Asst (OA) /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Jazmin Bustillo /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Ashley Butterfield Health Specialist /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Rebecca Ehrenkranz /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Rene Etcheberrigaray Senior Scientific Advisor to the Director DEA /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Jeanne Jarvis-Gibson /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Kimberly Kramer /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Sally Marik Health Scientist Administrator /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Holly Massett /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Melanie McFarland /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Alexandra Mitchell /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Kenneth Santora Director DEA NIA /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Michelle Snyder /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Sanoj Suneja Deputy Director Division of Extramural Activities /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA
Qishawn Wallace /DHHS/NIH/NIA/DEA