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Showing 1 - 25 of 719


Acute Respiratory Failure, Acute-on-chronic Respiratory Failure, Airway Clearance Impairment Trial in Arezzo (High Frequency

  • Acute Respiratory Failure
  • +2 more
  • High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillations via The Vest® Airway Clearance System
  • Arezzo, AR, Italy
    Ospedale San Donato
Feb 25, 2023

Cushing Disease Trial (Fimepinostat)

Not yet recruiting
  • Cushing Disease
  • (no location specified)
Jul 31, 2023

Development of "T-sec" Questionnaire

Not yet recruiting
  • Asthma
  • Questionnaire
  • (no location specified)
Sep 20, 2022

Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity and Cortisol Excess

  • Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2
  • +2 more
  • 1mg DST
  • Milan, Italy
    Istituto Auxologico Italiano
Mar 9, 2023

Long-Term Follow-Up of Survivors of Pediatric Cushing Disease

  • Cushing Disease
    • Bethesda, Maryland
      National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
    Feb 2, 2023

    Pituitary ACTH Hypersecretion, Acromegaly, Diabetes, Type 1 Trial in Moscow (Cholecalciferol 15000 UNT/ML Oral Solution)

    • Pituitary ACTH Hypersecretion
    • +3 more
    • Cholecalciferol 15000 UNT/ML Oral Solution
    • Moscow, Russian Federation
      Endocrinology Research Centre, Moscow
    Aug 10, 2022

    Effect of Maternal Cortisol Levels on Fetal Heart Rate Patterns

    Not yet recruiting
    • Stress
    • +2 more
      • (no location specified)
      Aug 15, 2022

      Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Obesity, Androgen; Hypersecretion Trial in Ankara (intervention diet, control diet)

      • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
      • +3 more
      • intervention diet
      • control diet
      • Ankara, Turkey
        Esra Döğer
      Mar 3, 2023

      Cushing's Disease Trial run by the NINDS (Vorinostat)

      • Cushing's Disease
      • Bethesda, Maryland
        National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
      Feb 2, 2023

      Pituitary Tumors and Related Hypothalmic Disorders

      • Panhypopituitarism
      • +3 more
      • MRI
      • Tissue specimen collection
      • Bethesda, Maryland
        National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
      Jan 25, 2023

      Cushing's Disease, Pituitary Adenoma Trial run by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) (Acthrel)

      Not yet recruiting
      • Cushing's Disease
      • Pituitary Adenoma
      • Bethesda, Maryland
        National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
      Feb 2, 2023

      Cushing Syndrome, Cushing Disease, Ectopic ACTH Syndrome Trial run by the Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CRN04894)

      • Cushing Syndrome
      • +2 more
      • Bethesda, Maryland
        National Institutes of Health (NIH) - National Institute of Diab
      Mar 27, 2023

      Cushing Disease Trial in Los Angeles (Seliciclib)

      Active, not recruiting
      • Cushing Disease
      • Los Angeles, California
        Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
      May 24, 2022

      Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Insulin Resistance, Androgen; Hypersecretion Trial in Dublin 9 (Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA),

      • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
      • +3 more
      • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
      • 11-ketoandrostenedione (11KA4)
      • Dublin 9, Ireland
        Beaumont Hospital
      Apr 26, 2022

      Cushing Disease, DVT, Pulmonary Embolism Trial in China (LMWH/Rivaroxaban, IPC)

      • Cushing Disease
      • +2 more
      • Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
      • +3 more
      Jul 10, 2022

      Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease, Dyspepsia, Rebound Acid Hypersecretion Trial (Spirulina platensis, Placebo comparator)

      • Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease
      • +2 more
      • Spirulina platensis
      • Placebo comparator
      • (no location specified)
      Jul 30, 2021

      Stress, Emotional, Dental Anxiety, Dental Pain and Sensation Disorder Trial in Poznan (GROUP)

      • Stress, Emotional
      • +3 more
      • GROUP
      • Poznań, Poland
        Poznan University of Medical Sciences
      Aug 19, 2021

      Discriminant Capacity and Thresholds of Salivary Cortisol in

      • Cushing Disease
      • Blood test
      • +3 more
      • Nîmes, France
        CHU de Nimes
      Oct 4, 2021

      Patients With Cushing's Syndrome

      • Cushing's Disease
      • +2 more
      • Cushing's QoL (Quality of Life Questionnaire)
      • +10 more
      • Basking Ridge, New Jersey
      • +6 more
      Jan 13, 2023

      Cushings Disease Trial in Los Angeles (R-roscovitine)

      • Cushings Disease
      • Los Angeles, California
        Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
      Nov 1, 2021

      Novel Mediators of Lipodystrophy and Metabolic Consequences of

      • Cushing's Syndrome
      • Treatment of Cushing's
      • New York, New York
        Columbia University Neuroendocrine Unit
      Jul 12, 2021

      Cushing Disease Trial in France (Patient group, Remission control group, Bilateral surrenalectomy control group)

      • Cushing Disease
      • Patient group
      • +2 more
      • Caen, France
      • +6 more
      Dec 16, 2021

      Iatrogenic Cushing's Disease Trial in Oxford (AZD4017 and prednisolone, Placebo Oral Tablet and prednisolone)

      • Iatrogenic Cushing's Disease
      • AZD4017 and prednisolone
      • Placebo Oral Tablet and prednisolone
      • Oxford, United Kingdom
        University of Oxford
      May 12, 2021

      Bronchiectasis Adult Trial (An'ningpai)

      Not yet recruiting
      • Bronchiectasis Adult
      • (no location specified)
      Nov 30, 2020

      Cushing Disease Trial in Worldwide (Pasireotide)

      • Cushing Disease
      • Boston, Massachusetts
      • +7 more
      May 6, 2021