Clinical Performance of Habitual Wearers of Avaira Toric When Refitted With Clariti Toric Lenses

Coopervision, Inc. (Industry)
Overall Status
Completed ID

Study Details

Study Description

Brief Summary

The aim of this dispensing study is to evaluate the clinical performance of existing wearers of Avaira toric lenses following a refit with Clariti toric over 1 month of daily wear.

Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment Phase
  • Device: somofilcon A

Detailed Description

This is a 30-subject, prospective dispensing study comparing the clinical performance of the subjects' habitual Avaira toric lenses following a refit with Clariti toric lenses. Subject's habitual Avaira toric lenses will be evaluated at the first visit and then re-fitted with a pair of Clariti toric lenses for 1 month of daily wear. After the dispensing visit, subjects will return for evaluations at 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks.

Study Design

Study Type:
Actual Enrollment :
30 participants
Intervention Model:
Single Group Assignment
Single (Participant)
Primary Purpose:
Official Title:
Clinical Performance of Habitual Wearers of Avaira Toric (Enfilcon A) When Refitted With Clariti Toric (Somofilcon A) Lenses for 1 Month.
Study Start Date :
Sep 1, 2014
Actual Primary Completion Date :
Oct 1, 2014
Actual Study Completion Date :
Oct 1, 2014

Arms and Interventions

Arm Intervention/Treatment
Active Comparator: enfilcon A

All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens who are refitted with somofilcon A lens

Device: somofilcon A
somofilcon A lens

Experimental: somofilcon A

All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens who are refitted with somofilcon A lens

Device: somofilcon A
somofilcon A lens

Outcome Measures

Primary Outcome Measures

  1. Visual Acuity - Enfilcon A and Somofilcon A [Baseline, 1 week, 2 week, 4 week]

    Monocular and binocular logMAR visual acuity for enfilcon A / somofilcon A assessed at baseline and somofilcon A lenses assessed at 1 week, 2 week, 4 week.

  2. Subjective Assessments- Enfilcon A and Somofilcon A [Baseline, 1 week, 2 week, 4 week]

    Subjective assessments for: comfort, dryness, handling, overall lens fit, and overall vision satisfaction. Enfilcon A was assessed at baseline and somofilcon A lenses assessed at 1 week, 2 week, 4 week. Scale(s): comfort (0=very poor; 10=excellent), dryness (0=very dry; 10=no dryness), handling (0=very difficult; 10=very easy), overall lens fit (0=very unstable; 10=very stable), overall vision satisfaction (0=very unsatisfied; 10=very satisfied)

Eligibility Criteria


Ages Eligible for Study:
18 Years to 40 Years
Sexes Eligible for Study:
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:
Inclusion Criteria:
  • Is between 18 and 40 years of age (inclusive)

  • Has had a self-reported visual exam in the last two years

  • Is an adapted Avaira toric contact lens (CL) wearer (at least 1 week of wear in Avaira toric)

  • Has a contact lens spherical prescription between +6.00 to - 8.00 (inclusive)

  • Have no less than 0.75D of astigmatism and no more than 1.75 D in both eyes.

  • Can achieve best corrected spectacle distance visual acuity of 20/25 (0.10 logMAR) or better in each eye.

  • Can achieve a distance visual acuity of 20/30 (0.18 logMAR) or better in each eye with the study contact lenses.

  • Has clear corneas and no active ocular disease

  • Has read, understood and signed the information consent letter.

  • Patient contact lens refraction should fit within the available parameters of the study lenses.

  • Is willing to comply with the wear schedule (at least 5 days per week, > 8 hours/day assuming there are no contraindications for doing so).

  • Is willing to comply with the visit schedule

Exclusion Criteria:
  • Is not a habitual wearer of Avaira toric lenses

  • Has a CL prescription outside the range of the available parameters of the study lenses.

  • Has a spectacle cylinder less than -0.75D or more than -1.75 D of cylinder in either eye.

  • Has a history of not achieving comfortable CL wear (5 days per week; > 8 hours/day)

  • Has contact lens best corrected distance vision worse than 20/25 (0.10 logMAR) in either eye.

  • Presence of clinically significant (grade 2-4) anterior segment abnormalities

  • Presence of ocular or systemic disease or need of medications which might interfere with contact lens wear.

  • Slit lamp findings that would contraindicate contact lens wear such as:

  • Pathological dry eye or associated findings

  • Pterygium, pinguecula, or corneal scars within the visual axis

  • Neovascularization > 0.75 mm in from of the limbus

  • Giant papillary conjunctivitis (GCP) worse than grade 1

  • Anterior uveitis or iritis (past or present)

  • Seborrheic eczema, Seborrheic conjunctivitis

  • History of corneal ulcers or fungal infections

  • Poor personal hygiene

  • Has a known history of corneal hypoesthesia (reduced corneal sensitivity)

  • Has aphakia, keratoconus or a highly irregular cornea.

  • Has Presbyopia or has dependence on spectacles for near work over the contact lenses.

  • Has undergone corneal refractive surgery.

  • Is participating in any other type of eye related clinical or research study.

Contacts and Locations


Site City State Country Postal Code
1 Optometry Research Group (GIO) - Optics Department, University of Valencia Valencia Spain

Sponsors and Collaborators

  • Coopervision, Inc.


  • Principal Investigator: Robert Montés-Mico, OD, Optometry Research Group (GIO)

Study Documents (Full-Text)

None provided.

More Information


None provided.
Responsible Party:
Coopervision, Inc. Identifier:
Other Study ID Numbers:
  • EX-MKTG-53
First Posted:
Sep 25, 2014
Last Update Posted:
Aug 3, 2020
Last Verified:
Jul 1, 2020
Additional relevant MeSH terms:

Study Results

Participant Flow

Recruitment Details
Pre-assignment Detail
Arm/Group Title Enfilcon A / Somofilcon A
Arm/Group Description All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens and who are refitted with somofilcon A lens enfilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens somofilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens
Period Title: Overall Study

Baseline Characteristics

Arm/Group Title Enfilcon A / Somofilcon A
Arm/Group Description All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens and who are refitted with somofilcon A lens enfilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens somofilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens
Overall Participants 30
Age (years) [Mean (Standard Deviation) ]
Mean (Standard Deviation) [years]
Sex: Female, Male (Count of Participants)
Region of Enrollment (participants) [Number]

Outcome Measures

1. Primary Outcome
Title Visual Acuity - Enfilcon A and Somofilcon A
Description Monocular and binocular logMAR visual acuity for enfilcon A / somofilcon A assessed at baseline and somofilcon A lenses assessed at 1 week, 2 week, 4 week.
Time Frame Baseline, 1 week, 2 week, 4 week

Outcome Measure Data

Analysis Population Description
[Not Specified]
Arm/Group Title Enfilcon A Somofilcon A at 1 Week Somofilcon A at 2 Week Somofilcon A at 4 Week
Arm/Group Description All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens and who are refitted with somofilcon A lens enfilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lenses and who are then refitted with somofilcon A lenses. All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lenses and who are then refitted with somofilcon A lenses. All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lenses and who are then refitted with somofilcon A lenses.
Measure Participants 30 30 30 30
Oculus Dexter (OD)
Oculus Sinister (OS)
2. Primary Outcome
Title Subjective Assessments- Enfilcon A and Somofilcon A
Description Subjective assessments for: comfort, dryness, handling, overall lens fit, and overall vision satisfaction. Enfilcon A was assessed at baseline and somofilcon A lenses assessed at 1 week, 2 week, 4 week. Scale(s): comfort (0=very poor; 10=excellent), dryness (0=very dry; 10=no dryness), handling (0=very difficult; 10=very easy), overall lens fit (0=very unstable; 10=very stable), overall vision satisfaction (0=very unsatisfied; 10=very satisfied)
Time Frame Baseline, 1 week, 2 week, 4 week

Outcome Measure Data

Analysis Population Description
[Not Specified]
Arm/Group Title Enfilcon A Somofilcon A at 1 Week Somofilcon A at 2 Week Somofilcon A at 4 Week
Arm/Group Description All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens and who are refitted with somofilcon A lens enfilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lenses and who are then refitted with somofilcon A lenses. All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lenses and who are then refitted with somofilcon A lenses. All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lenses and who are then refitted with somofilcon A lenses.
Measure Participants 30 30 30 30
Comfort on insertion
Comfort prior to removal
Comfort overall
Dryness during the day
Dryness prior to removal
Overall dryness
Overall lens fit
Overall vision satisfaction

Adverse Events

Time Frame 4 weeks
Adverse Event Reporting Description
Arm/Group Title Enfilcon A Somofilcon A
Arm/Group Description All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens and who are refitted with somofilcon A lens enfilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens All participants are habitual wearers of enfilcon A lens and who are refitted with somofilcon A lens somofilcon A: All participants wear habitual enfilcon A lens first and then refitted with somofilcon A lens
All Cause Mortality
Enfilcon A Somofilcon A
Affected / at Risk (%) # Events Affected / at Risk (%) # Events
Total / (NaN) / (NaN)
Serious Adverse Events
Enfilcon A Somofilcon A
Affected / at Risk (%) # Events Affected / at Risk (%) # Events
Total 0/30 (0%) 0/30 (0%)
Other (Not Including Serious) Adverse Events
Enfilcon A Somofilcon A
Affected / at Risk (%) # Events Affected / at Risk (%) # Events
Total 0/30 (0%) 0/30 (0%)


[Not Specified]

More Information

Certain Agreements

Principal Investigators are NOT employed by the organization sponsoring the study.

Principal Investigators are NOT employed by the organization sponsoring the study. There is an agreement between the Principal Investigator and the Sponsor (or its agents) that restricts the PI's rights to discuss or publish trial results after the trial is completed. The investigators will not be permitted to publish or present at scientific meetings results obtained from the clinical study without prior written consent from the sponsor.

Results Point of Contact

Name/Title Robert Montes-Mico, O.D., PhD
Organization Optometry Research Group (GIO) University of Valencia
Phone 34-9635-44764
Responsible Party:
Coopervision, Inc. Identifier:
Other Study ID Numbers:
  • EX-MKTG-53
First Posted:
Sep 25, 2014
Last Update Posted:
Aug 3, 2020
Last Verified:
Jul 1, 2020