A Study to Evaluate the Mass Balance of [14C]SHR2554 in Healthy Adult Volunteers

Jiangsu HengRui Medicine Co., Ltd. (Industry)
Overall Status
Not yet recruiting
CT.gov ID

Study Details

Study Description

Brief Summary

Evaluate the Mass Balance of [14C]SHR2554 in Healthy Adult Male Volunteers.

Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment Phase
Phase 1

Study Design

Study Type:
Anticipated Enrollment :
8 participants
Intervention Model:
Single Group Assignment
Intervention Model Description:
Single oral dose of [14C]SHR2554Single oral dose of [14C]SHR2554
None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose:
Official Title:
Phase I Clinical Trial of Substance Balance of [14C]SHR2554 in Healthy Chinese Subjects
Anticipated Study Start Date :
Sep 15, 2023
Anticipated Primary Completion Date :
Sep 26, 2023
Anticipated Study Completion Date :
Oct 3, 2023

Arms and Interventions

Arm Intervention/Treatment
Experimental: [14C]SHR2554

Drug: [14C]SHR2554
Patients will receive single dose of orally [14C]SHR2554 on Day 1.

Outcome Measures

Primary Outcome Measures

  1. Cumulative recovery and recovery rate of total radioactive substance in urine and feces [0-288 hours]

  2. Percentage of parent drug and its metabolites in plasma as a percentage of total radioactive exposure (%AUC) [0-240 hours]

  3. Percentage of parent drug and its metabolites in urine and feces as a percentage of administered dose (%Dose) [0-288 hours]

  4. Radioactivity Tmax [0-240 hours]

  5. Radioactivity Cmax [0-240 hours]

  6. Radioactivity AUC [0-240 hours]

  7. Radioactivity t1/2 [0-240 hours]

  8. Radioactivity CL/F [0-240 hours]

  9. Radioactivity Vz/F [0-240 hours]

  10. 1Total radioactivity ratio for blood/plasma [0-72 hours]

Secondary Outcome Measures

  1. Plasma SHR2554: Tmax [0-240 hours]

  2. Plasma SHR2554: Cmax [0-240 hours]

  3. Plasma SHR2554: AUC [0-240 hours]

  4. Plasma SHR2554: t1/2 [0-240 hours]

  5. Plasma SHR2554: CL/F [0-240 hours]

  6. Plasma SHR2554: Vz/F [0-240 hours]

  7. Plasma SHR2554: λz [0-240 hours]

  8. AEs and SAEs [0-12 days]

Eligibility Criteria


Ages Eligible for Study:
18 Years to 45 Years
Sexes Eligible for Study:
Accepts Healthy Volunteers:
Inclusion Criteria:
  1. Healthy adult males between 18 and 45 years;

  2. Total Body weight ≥50 kg, and the body mass index (BMI) of 19 to 26 kg/m2;

  3. Sign the informed consent form prior to the trial and have a full understanding of the trial's procedures, content, and potential adverse reactions;

  4. Ability to communicate effectively with the researchers and comply with the trial requirements.

Exclusion Criteria:
  1. Comprehensive physical examination, vital signs, laboratory tests, 12-lead ECG, chest X-ray (posteroanterior), anal digital examination, abdominal ultrasound with clinically significant abnormalities as determined by the investigator;

  2. Resting corrected QT interval (QTcF) >450 ms as obtained from the 12-lead ECG (Note: QTcF interval must be calculated according to Fridericia's method);

  3. Positive results in any of the following tests: hepatitis B surface antigen or hepatitis B e antigen, hepatitis C virus antibodies or HIV antigen/antibody combination test (HIV-Ag/Ab);

  4. Clinically significant abnormalities in ophthalmic examination (slit lamp, intraocular pressure, and fundus photography);

  5. Have taken any clinical trial drug or participated in any clinical trial within 3 months before administration;

  6. CYP3A4 inducers or inhibitors were taken within 30 days before administration;

  7. Have taken any prescription or over-the-counter drugs, vitamin products, health care drugs or traditional Chinese medicines within 14 days before administration;

  8. History of any clinically significant medical conditions or conditions that the investigator deems may affect the trial results, including but not limited to cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, nervous, digestive, urinary, immune, mental, and metabolic diseases;

  9. History of organic heart disease, congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, unexplained history of arrhythmia, history of torsades de pointes, history of ventricular tachycardia, atrioventricular conduction block, history of QT prolongation syndrome, or family history of QT prolongation syndrome (confirmed by genetic testing or sudden cardiac death in a close relative at a young age due to cardiac reasons);

  10. Those who have undergone major surgery within 6 months before administration or that surgical incision has not completely healed; Major surgery includes, but is not limited to, any surgery that is at significant risk of bleeding, prolongs the period of general anesthesia, or has an incision biopsy or significant traumatic injury;

  11. Hemorrhoids or anal diseases accompanied by regular/ongoing rectal bleeding; inability to swallow or a history of gastrointestinal dysfunction such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, or previous gastric resection surgery that may affect drug absorption as determined by the investigator;

  12. Allergic predisposition, such as known history of allergy to two or more substances; or deemed by the investigator to be potentially allergic to the investigational drug or its excipients;

  13. Habitual constipation or diarrhea;

  14. History of alcoholism with alcohol consumption over 14 units per week; and can't abstain from smoking and alcohol during the study;

  15. Heavy smoker or habitually use nicotine-containing products;

  16. Have a history of drug abuse or have used soft drugs (such as: marijuana) within 3 months before administration or take drugs (such as cocaine, amphetamines, phencyclidine, etc.) within 1 year before administration; or positive urine drug abuse test during screening periods;

  17. Habitual consumption of grapefruit juice or excessive tea, coffee and/or caffeinated beverages (more than 8 cups a day, 1 cup = 250 mL) and unable to quit during the study period;

  18. Those who cannot tolerate venipuncture or with a history of needle-sickness and blood-sickness;

  19. Workers who require long-term exposure to radioactive conditions; or those who have significant radiation exposure (≥ 2 chest/abdominal CT scans, or ≥3 other X-ray tests) within 1 year prior to administration or who have participated in radiopharmaceutical labeling tests;

  20. Blood donation no less than 400 mL or have blood transfusion within 3 months of dosing;

  21. Vaccination within one month prior to screening or planning to be vaccinated during the trial;

  22. Intention to conceive or donate sperm during the trial period or within one year after completing the trial, or refusal to strictly adhere to contraceptive measures by the participant and their spouse/partner from the time of signing the informed consent form until one year after completing the trial;

  23. Subjects who, in the opinion of the Investigator should not participate in this study.

Contacts and Locations


No locations specified.

Sponsors and Collaborators

  • Jiangsu HengRui Medicine Co., Ltd.


None specified.

Study Documents (Full-Text)

None provided.

More Information


None provided.
Responsible Party:
Jiangsu HengRui Medicine Co., Ltd.
ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
Other Study ID Numbers:
  • SHR2554-I-111
First Posted:
Aug 24, 2023
Last Update Posted:
Aug 24, 2023
Last Verified:
Aug 1, 2023
Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing Statement:
Plan to Share IPD:
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product:
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product:

Study Results

No Results Posted as of Aug 24, 2023