Effect of Distress Tolerance Training on Problematic Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing Among Faculty Nursing Students

Alexandria University (Other)
Overall Status
CT.gov ID

Study Details

Study Description

Brief Summary

The Internet is a social environment as well as a tool. In this digital environment, where students interact with each other, live, and generally comprehend their cultures, college students learn information. The Internet has become essential to college students' daily lives and education. The World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned that increased screen usage and gaming may occur during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this, there is an increased chance of Internet and gaming addiction, leading to more distress and concern for students' psychological well-being. Therefore, university students needed an intervention program to overcome these problems. The researchers in the present study will use distress tolerance. Distress tolerance (DT) is defined as one's ability to continue engaging in goal-directed behavior in the face of emotional, cognitive, or physical discomfort. Eventually, the present study aimed to The present study aims to:

Assess the impact of distress tolerance training on problematic internet use and psychological wellbeing among university nursing students.

Research Hypothesis:

Nursing students who receive distress tolerance training will exhibit lower problematic internet use and better psychological wellbeing than those who didn't receive it

Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment Phase
  • Behavioral: Distress tolerance training

Study Design

Study Type:
Actual Enrollment :
60 participants
Intervention Model:
Parallel Assignment
None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose:
Supportive Care
Official Title:
The Effects of Distress Tolerance Training on Problematic Internet Use and Psychological Wellbeing Among Faculty Nursing Students
Actual Study Start Date :
Sep 1, 2022
Actual Primary Completion Date :
Jan 1, 2023
Actual Study Completion Date :
Jan 15, 2023

Arms and Interventions

Arm Intervention/Treatment
Active Comparator: interventional group

Nursing students who participated in distress tolerance training session

Behavioral: Distress tolerance training
It consisted of seven sessions. A 90-minute session will be conducted twice a week for four weeks. The first introductory session will be concerned with helping the student learn how to engage in distress tolerance training and define goals of distress tolerance. At the end of the 1st session, a written plan for every session (time, duration and setting) will be scheduled individually with each student.The next six training sessions will cover three core skills which comprised three sets: Crisis Survival Skills, the skills of Reality Acceptance; and the Skills When the Crisis Is Addiction. The distress tolerance training methods will include individualized interactions, demonstration, and rehearsal, psychoeducation, practice exercises and homework assignments. Follow up between sessions will done using telephone calling and messaging in order to encourage performance homework assignments, and provide help and support when needed particularly at the time of stress. .
Other Names:
  • dialectical behavioral therapy
  • No Intervention: control group

    Nursing students not participating in distress tolerance training session

    Outcome Measures

    Primary Outcome Measures

    1. The Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIU) [up to 16 weeks]

      The Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire was developed by and it is an 18-item self- report scale that measures the extent of how risky internet usage can be. Items are scored from 1 = never to 5 = always. This test has three factors, i.e., Obsession, Neglect, and Control disorder. Earlier studies showed that PIU subscales have good psychometric properties, with high reliability (αs of .74-.87), high 3-week stability (rs from .76 to .90), and acceptable discriminant validity (e.g., confirmed by negligible associations with alcohol or illicit drug use and significant but weak associations with the use of gaming machines).

    2. Ryff psychological well being scale (PWBS) [up to 16 weeks]

      The Ryff psychological well being scale was originally consisted of six 7-item subscales for the assessment of six factors: (1) autonomy; (2) environmental mastery; (3) personal growth; (4) positive relations with others; (5) purpose in life and (6) self-acceptance. Response categories for these items are scored along a seven-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (7). The scores of some items will be reversed as recommended in Ryff's original PWBS. The scores for six subscales were calculated as averages; higher mean scores indicate greater psychological wellbeing. Internal consistency (alpha coefficients) was estimated from a sample of older and middle-aged groups , average alphas were .78, and .77, respectively, for the two groups.

    Eligibility Criteria


    Ages Eligible for Study:
    18 Years to 30 Years
    Sexes Eligible for Study:
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers:
    Inclusion Criteria:
    • Students that are not participating in any other type of psychotherapy.

    • Students who scored high on Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire (PIU).

    Exclusion Criteria:
    • Students who have a history of mental illness.

    • students who are more than 30 years old.

    Contacts and Locations


    Site City State Country Postal Code
    1 Faculty of Nursing Alexandria Egypt 002

    Sponsors and Collaborators

    • Alexandria University


    None specified.

    Study Documents (Full-Text)

    None provided.

    More Information


    Responsible Party:
    ayman el-ashry, lecturer at psychiatric and mental health nursing, faculty of nursing, Alexandria University
    ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:
    Other Study ID Numbers:
    • IRB00013620/9/2022/48
    First Posted:
    Feb 3, 2023
    Last Update Posted:
    Feb 3, 2023
    Last Verified:
    Jan 1, 2023
    Individual Participant Data (IPD) Sharing Statement:
    Plan to Share IPD:
    Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product:
    Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product:
    Keywords provided by ayman el-ashry, lecturer at psychiatric and mental health nursing, faculty of nursing, Alexandria University

    Study Results

    No Results Posted as of Feb 3, 2023