MYELOPTIC: Optical Genome Mapping in Characterization of Multiple Myeloma
Study Details
Study Description
Brief Summary
The current cytogenetic characterization of Multiple Myeloma (including chromosome and gene abnormalities identification in abnormal plasma cells) encounters some limitations. Indeed current techniques only enable to analyze a limited numbers of predefined abnormalities. New tools that will allow for characterization of abnormalities involved in multiple myeloma development are thus required. The interest of Optical Genome Mapping has already been demonstrated in other hematological diseases. The present study aims at validating Optical Genome Mapping in genetic abnormalities identification for patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM).
Condition or Disease | Intervention/Treatment | Phase |
Detailed Description
For this study, supplementary samples will be collected during bone marrow biopsy performed at MM diagnosis. These will be used for CD138+ Plasma Cell Isolation and sent to GENTYANE (GEnoTYpage and sequencing in AuvergNE) platform in Clermont-Ferrand for Optical Genome Mapping.
Study Design
Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures
- Validate the use of Optical Genome Mapping in Multiple Myeloma characterization [At MM diagnosis]
Concordance scores for abnormalities detected with Optical Genome Mapping and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Secondary Outcome Measures
- Evaluate Optical Genome Mapping for identification of genetic abnormalities that are not detected with FISH in Multiple Myeloma [At MM diagnosis]
Numbers of genetic abnormalities that are detected with Optical Genome Mapping but not detected with FISH
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Age ≥ 18 years
Non previously treated Multiple Myeloma (criteria from the International Myeloma Working Group)
Presence of CRAB criteria (Calcium Renal Anemia Bone : Calcemia > 2.75 mmol/l or > 0.25 mmol/l higher than the Upper Limit of Normal ; serum creatinine > 173 μmol/l or creatinine clearance < 40ml per minute attributed to myeloma ; anemia with hemoglobin value < 10g/dl or more than 2g/dl below the Lower Limit of Normal, bone lesions with osteolytic lesions or osteoporotic vertebral collapses attributed to myeloma)
Exclusion Criteria:
Opposition of the patient
Failure of myelogram
Previous treatment of multiple myeloma (except with corticosteroids)
Failure of FISH
Minor or patients placed under guardianship or supervision
Patients deprived of liberty
Patients placed under judicial protection
Patients that are not able to express their consent
Pregnant and breastfeeding women
Contacts and Locations
Site | City | State | Country | Postal Code | |
1 | Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg Europe | Strasbourg | France | 67033 |
Sponsors and Collaborators
- Institut de cancérologie Strasbourg Europe
- GENTYANE (GEnoTYpage and sequencing in AuvergNE)
- Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
None specified.Study Documents (Full-Text)
None provided.More Information
- 2022-014
- 2022-A02286-37