Behaviorally Enhanced Counseling on Nicotine Dependence (BEACON) Trial.

Stanford University (Other)
Overall Status
Completed ID
SRI International (Industry), Johns Hopkins University (Other), University of Bristol (Other), National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (NIH)

Study Details

Study Description

Brief Summary

The major purpose of this exploratory developmental study will be to develop a patient-centered and feasible protocol for communicating genetic data as it relates to drug efficacy for smoking cessation inpatients receiving medication that is matched to individual genotypes associated with increased efficacy for bupropion or nicotine replacement therapy.

Condition or Disease Intervention/Treatment Phase
  • Behavioral: Counseling
  • Behavioral: Self-help guide
  • Drug: Pharmacotherapy
  • Behavioral: Genetic feedback, verbal
  • Behavioral: Genetic feedback, printed
Phase 4

Detailed Description

Therefore, our specific aims are to:

Aim 1: Conduct formative research to develop and refine a clinical protocol for a multi-component smoking cessation intervention, grounded in the extended parallel process model, consisting of pharmacogenetic treatment (smoking cessation drug matched to each individual smoker's genotype) and genetic feedback (delivery of patient-centered, personalized genotype information and its predictive value for smoking cessation treatment efficacy): We will adapt, pilot-test, and refine a theoretically-grounded PGx smoking cessation intervention using formative interviews of 20 African-American and European-ancestry smokers.

Aim 2: Conduct a mixed-methods feasibility trial randomizing treatment-seeking smokers to pharmacogenetic (PGx) treatment combined with genetic feedback (GF) vs. PGx treatment without GF for smoking cessation to examine the feasibility of the newly developed protocol in a primary care setting and characterize its psychological and behavioral impact: Smokers (N = 100) will be randomized to GF vs. no GF and all will receive motivational interviewing (standard care/SC) and PGx treatment. We will assess the impact of GF on time to relapse, medication adherence, and a comprehensive assessment battery of process and cognitive, psychological, and behavioral outcomes. Finally, we will synthesize quantitative and qualitative data to revise protocols, generate hypothesizes, and estimate effect sizes for a follow-up R01 submission.

Study Design

Study Type:
Actual Enrollment :
36 participants
Intervention Model:
Parallel Assignment
None (Open Label)
Primary Purpose:
Official Title:
Exploratory/Developmental Study of Pharmacogenetic Smoking Cessation Therapy.
Study Start Date :
Jul 1, 2009
Actual Primary Completion Date :
Mar 1, 2011
Actual Study Completion Date :
Mar 1, 2011

Arms and Interventions

Arm Intervention/Treatment
Active Comparator: Standard treatment

Three 20-minute telephone calls during which a certified tobacco treatment specialist delivered motivationally-enhanced cognitive behavioral counseling. A self-help guide for smoking cessation (Clearing the Air, NCI)sent by mail A standard 8-week course of genetically-tailored pharmacotherapy Participants with the A1 allele (TT/CT) were assigned to receive NRT (the Patch) Participants with the A2 allele (CC) were assigned to receive bupropion

Behavioral: Counseling
Three 20-minute telephone calls during which a certified tobacco treatment specialist delivered motivationally-enhanced cognitive behavioral counseling One week prior to the target quit date (TQD) Two weeks post-TQD Four weeks post-TQD
Other Names:
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Motivational enhancement
  • Behavioral: Self-help guide
    A printed self-help guide for smoking cessation (Clearing the Air, NCI)sent by mail
    Other Names:
  • Support Materials
  • Clearing the Air
  • Drug: Pharmacotherapy
    8-week course of genetically-tailored pharmacotherapy Participants with the A1 allele (TT/CT) were assigned to receive NRT (the Patch) Participants with the A2 allele (CC) were assigned to receive bupropion
    Other Names:
  • NRT
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy
  • The Patch
  • Bupropion
  • Zyban
  • Aplenzin
  • Wellbutrin
  • Experimental: Genetic feedback plus standard treatment

    In addition to the standard treatment, participants in this arm received the following interventions: Genetic feedback, verbal - During the first counseling call, GF participants were informed of their genotype and provided with the rationale for their pharmacotherapy assignment Genetic feedback, printed - After the first counseling call, GF participants were mailed a Personal Treatment Profile, which echoed each participant's ANNK1 genotype, the implications of this for smoking cessation treatment outcome, and which medication was chosen for them based on their genotype

    Behavioral: Counseling
    Three 20-minute telephone calls during which a certified tobacco treatment specialist delivered motivationally-enhanced cognitive behavioral counseling One week prior to the target quit date (TQD) Two weeks post-TQD Four weeks post-TQD
    Other Names:
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Motivational enhancement
  • Behavioral: Self-help guide
    A printed self-help guide for smoking cessation (Clearing the Air, NCI)sent by mail
    Other Names:
  • Support Materials
  • Clearing the Air
  • Drug: Pharmacotherapy
    8-week course of genetically-tailored pharmacotherapy Participants with the A1 allele (TT/CT) were assigned to receive NRT (the Patch) Participants with the A2 allele (CC) were assigned to receive bupropion
    Other Names:
  • NRT
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy
  • The Patch
  • Bupropion
  • Zyban
  • Aplenzin
  • Wellbutrin
  • Behavioral: Genetic feedback, verbal
    During the first counseling call, GF participants were informed of their genotype and provided with the rationale for their pharmacotherapy assignment
    Other Names:
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Pharmacogenetic counseling
  • Behavioral: Genetic feedback, printed
    After the first counseling call, GF participants were mailed a Personal Treatment Profile, which echoed each participant's ANNK1 genotype, the implications of this for smoking cessation treatment outcome, and which medication was chosen for them based on their genotype.
    Other Names:
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Pharmacogenetic Feedback
  • Outcome Measures

    Primary Outcome Measures

    1. Continuous Abstinence at 12 Weeks Post Target Quit Date [12 weeks after Target Quit Date]

      Participants reporting continuous tobacco-use abstinence 12 weeks after their Target Quit Date, whose salivary cotinine levels confirmed their abstinence, were counted as "abstinent." All others were recorded as not abstinent.

    Secondary Outcome Measures

    1. Morisky Adherence Scale [12 weeks after Target Quit Date]

      Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Treatment Compliance Range: 0-8 Direction: Higher values represent higher compliance

    2. Trust Scale [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Trust in the clinician Range: 5-30 Direction: Higher values represent higher trust

    3. Communication Scale [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Quality of verbal interaction and responsiveness during counseling sessions Range: 4-20 Direction: Higher values represent greater interaction and responsiveness

    4. Satisfaction Scale [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Overall satisfaction with the clinician Range: 4-20 Direction: Higher values represent higher satisfaction

    5. Treatment Interest Scale [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Interest in participating in recommended treatment plan Range: 1-10 Direction: Higher values represent higher treatment interest

    6. Depression [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) Measures: Interest in participating in recommended treatment plan Range: 0-60 Direction: Higher values represent increased symptoms of depression

    7. Fatalism [12 weeks after Target Quit Date]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: Powe Fatalism Inventory, 10-item, revised Measures: belief in inevitability of smoking status Range: 0-10 Direction: Higher values represent increased fatalism beliefs

    8. Intention to Quit [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 3-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Intention, confidence, and expectation of quitting smoking Range: 3-21 Direction: Higher values represent increased intention to quit

    9. Motivation [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: Single item, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Desire to quit smoking Range: 1-7 Direction: Higher values represent increased motivation to quit

    10. Perceived Control [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 3-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Control over ability to quit smoking in the next month Range: 3-21 Direction: Higher values represent increased sense of control

    11. Risk Perception [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 4-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 5 Measures: Perceived personal health risks from smoking Range: 4-20 Direction: Higher values represent increased perception of risk

    12. Self-Efficacy [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 3-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Perceived ability to quit smoking in the next month Range: 3-21 Direction: Higher values represent increased self-efficacy

    13. Threat Minimization [Within 1 week of first clinical call]

      Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 2-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Perceived presence of factors that would reduce personal smoking risks Range: 2-14 Direction: Higher values represent increased risk minimization

    Eligibility Criteria


    Ages Eligible for Study:
    18 Years and Older
    Sexes Eligible for Study:
    Accepts Healthy Volunteers:

    Inclusion and exclusion criteria are the same for participants in the formative interviews (Study A) and the feasibility RCT (Study B) except that Study A will include African American and European American smokers and Study B will include European American smokers.

    Inclusion criteria:
    • Adults (aged 18 or older)

    • Currently smoke at least 10 cigarettes per day

    • Motivated to quit smoking (>=5 on a 10-point Likert scale)

    • Have a telephone

    • Read and speak English.

    Exclusion criteria:
    • Any medical contraindications for transdermal nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) or sustained-release bupropion hydrochloride (bupropion) use based on the package labels (e.g., for bupropion, risk of seizure)

    • DSM-IV Axis I diagnosis (other than nicotine dependence)

    • Subjects who meet criteria for current major depression, or who demonstrate evidence of suicidal ideation at screening will be referred to treatment for depression and will be excluded from the study

    • Must agree not to seek other treatment for smoking cessation during the study.

    Contacts and Locations


    Site City State Country Postal Code
    1 SRI International Menlo Park California United States 94025
    2 Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford California United States 94305
    3 Group Health Research Institute Seattle Washington United States 98101

    Sponsors and Collaborators

    • Stanford University
    • SRI International
    • Johns Hopkins University
    • University of Bristol
    • National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)


    • Principal Investigator: Sean P David, MD SM DPhil, Stanford University

    Study Documents (Full-Text)

    None provided.

    More Information


    None provided.
    Responsible Party:
    Stanford University Identifier:
    Other Study ID Numbers:
    • SU-09152009-3940
    • 5R21DA027331-03
    • Protocol # 16513
    First Posted:
    Oct 7, 2009
    Last Update Posted:
    Sep 19, 2012
    Last Verified:
    Aug 1, 2012

    Study Results

    Participant Flow

    Recruitment Details Phase I and Phase II participants were recruited from members of Group Health Cooperative in Seattle, WA. Of the 36 Phase II participants enrolled, 32 had been previously genotyped for an earlier study and 4 were genotyped for this study.
    Pre-assignment Detail
    Arm/Group Title Formative Interviews Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Phase 1 involved formative research to develop and refine a patient-centered, theoretically grounded behavioral intervention for delivering genetically-tailored smoking cessation treatment. We convened a panel of doctorate level experts (n = 10) in pharmacogenetics; smoking cessation treatment; ethical, legal and social implications of genetics research; genetic literacy; patient-clinician communications; and mixed-methods research to guide development of the pharmacogenetic treatment, GF and evaluation. Next, smokers were asked about their familiarity with genetic concepts (e.g., DNA, genes), understanding of the roles genes play in smoking behavior and treatment response, reaction to the concept of genetically-tailoring pharmacotherapy, familiarity with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, concerns about privacy of genetic information, and interest in genetically-tailored treatment. Interviews were continued until response saturation was achieved (n = 10). Received behavioral counseling by telephone and either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone and either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Period Title: Phase I, Formative Research
    STARTED 20 0 0
    COMPLETED 20 0 0
    Period Title: Phase I, Formative Research
    STARTED 0 17 19
    Received First Clinical Call 0 16 17
    COMPLETED 0 15 15

    Baseline Characteristics

    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment Total
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone and either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone and either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Total of all reporting groups
    Overall Participants 17 19 36
    Age (Count of Participants)
    <=18 years
    Between 18 and 65 years
    >=65 years
    Age (years) [Mean (Standard Deviation) ]
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [years]
    Sex: Female, Male (Count of Participants)
    Region of Enrollment (participants) [Number]
    United States

    Outcome Measures

    1. Primary Outcome
    Title Continuous Abstinence at 12 Weeks Post Target Quit Date
    Description Participants reporting continuous tobacco-use abstinence 12 weeks after their Target Quit Date, whose salivary cotinine levels confirmed their abstinence, were counted as "abstinent." All others were recorded as not abstinent.
    Time Frame 12 weeks after Target Quit Date

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    All randomized participants were included in the data analysis.
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 17 19
    Number [participants]
    2. Secondary Outcome
    Title Morisky Adherence Scale
    Description Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Treatment Compliance Range: 0-8 Direction: Higher values represent higher compliance
    Time Frame 12 weeks after Target Quit Date

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    Follow-up treatment satisfaction analyses includes only those participants not lost to follow-up (n = 30)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 15 15
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    3. Secondary Outcome
    Title Trust Scale
    Description Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Trust in the clinician Range: 5-30 Direction: Higher values represent higher trust
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First treatment satisfaction analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    4. Secondary Outcome
    Title Communication Scale
    Description Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Quality of verbal interaction and responsiveness during counseling sessions Range: 4-20 Direction: Higher values represent greater interaction and responsiveness
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First treatment satisfaction analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    5. Secondary Outcome
    Title Satisfaction Scale
    Description Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Overall satisfaction with the clinician Range: 4-20 Direction: Higher values represent higher satisfaction
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First treatment satisfaction analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    6. Secondary Outcome
    Title Treatment Interest Scale
    Description Category: Treatment Acceptability Measures: Interest in participating in recommended treatment plan Range: 1-10 Direction: Higher values represent higher treatment interest
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First treatment satisfaction analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    7. Secondary Outcome
    Title Depression
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) Measures: Interest in participating in recommended treatment plan Range: 0-60 Direction: Higher values represent increased symptoms of depression
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 30)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    8. Secondary Outcome
    Title Fatalism
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: Powe Fatalism Inventory, 10-item, revised Measures: belief in inevitability of smoking status Range: 0-10 Direction: Higher values represent increased fatalism beliefs
    Time Frame 12 weeks after Target Quit Date

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    Follow-up psychological outcome analyses include only those participants not lost to follow-up (n = 30)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 15 15
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    9. Secondary Outcome
    Title Intention to Quit
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 3-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Intention, confidence, and expectation of quitting smoking Range: 3-21 Direction: Higher values represent increased intention to quit
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    10. Secondary Outcome
    Title Motivation
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: Single item, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Desire to quit smoking Range: 1-7 Direction: Higher values represent increased motivation to quit
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    11. Secondary Outcome
    Title Perceived Control
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 3-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Control over ability to quit smoking in the next month Range: 3-21 Direction: Higher values represent increased sense of control
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    12. Secondary Outcome
    Title Risk Perception
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 4-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 5 Measures: Perceived personal health risks from smoking Range: 4-20 Direction: Higher values represent increased perception of risk
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    13. Secondary Outcome
    Title Self-Efficacy
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 3-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Perceived ability to quit smoking in the next month Range: 3-21 Direction: Higher values represent increased self-efficacy
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]
    14. Secondary Outcome
    Title Threat Minimization
    Description Category: Psychological Outcome Instrument: 2-item inventory, Likert scale from 1 to 7 Measures: Perceived presence of factors that would reduce personal smoking risks Range: 2-14 Direction: Higher values represent increased risk minimization
    Time Frame Within 1 week of first clinical call

    Outcome Measure Data

    Analysis Population Description
    First psychological outcome analyses include participants who received the first clinical call (n = 33)
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    Measure Participants 16 17
    Mean (Standard Deviation) [units on a scale]

    Adverse Events

    Time Frame 2 years
    Adverse Event Reporting Description
    Arm/Group Title Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Arm/Group Description Received behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch Received genetic feedback regarding treatment selection in addition to behavioral counseling by telephone, combined with either bupropion or nicotine replacement patch
    All Cause Mortality
    Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Affected / at Risk (%) # Events Affected / at Risk (%) # Events
    Total / (NaN) / (NaN)
    Serious Adverse Events
    Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Affected / at Risk (%) # Events Affected / at Risk (%) # Events
    Total 0/17 (0%) 0/19 (0%)
    Other (Not Including Serious) Adverse Events
    Standard Treatment Genetic Feedback Plus Standard Treatment
    Affected / at Risk (%) # Events Affected / at Risk (%) # Events
    Total 0/17 (0%) 0/19 (0%)


    Possible selection bias as 32 of 36 participants had taken part in previous research

    More Information

    Certain Agreements

    All Principal Investigators ARE employed by the organization sponsoring the study.

    There is NOT an agreement between Principal Investigators and the Sponsor (or its agents) that restricts the PI's rights to discuss or publish trial results after the trial is completed.

    Results Point of Contact

    Name/Title Sean P. David, MD, SM, DPhil
    Organization Stanford University
    Phone 650-498-4687
    Responsible Party:
    Stanford University Identifier:
    Other Study ID Numbers:
    • SU-09152009-3940
    • 5R21DA027331-03
    • Protocol # 16513
    First Posted:
    Oct 7, 2009
    Last Update Posted:
    Sep 19, 2012
    Last Verified:
    Aug 1, 2012