VATICAN: Ventilator-associated Tracheobronchitis Initiative to Conduct Antibiotic Evaluation
Study Details
Study Description
Brief Summary
The Ventilator Associated tracheobronchitis Initiative to Conduct Antibiotic evaluation (VATICAN) trial is a national, multicenter, non-inferiority trial in ICU patients comparing antibiotic treatment for 7 days versus clinical observation without antibiotic treatment for patients with ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis.
Condition or Disease | Intervention/Treatment | Phase |
N/A |
Detailed Description
There is no consensus on the need for antibiotic treatment for ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis (VAT). There's a lack of high-quality clinical data on this subject, and although some observational studies recommend antibiotic treatment for VAT, some guidelines do not. The VATICAN is a prospective, randomized, single-blinded (analysis), non-inferiority trial evaluating antibiotic treatment for patients with ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis. Patients with clinically diagnosed tracheobronchitis will be randomized to receive antibiotics for 7 days versus clinical observation without antibiotic treatment for VAT. The primary hypothesis is that clinical observation without antibiotic treatment is noninferior to 7-day antibiotic course.
Study Design
Arms and Interventions
Arm | Intervention/Treatment |
Experimental: Clinical observation without antibiotic therapy for VAT Patients will receive standard care and no antibiotic therapy for VAT. Antibiotics will be prescribed if other infections and/or organ dysfunction ensues (especially shock) or there is progression to pneumonia |
Other: Clinical observation without antibiotic therapy for VAT
Patients will receive standard care plus antibiotic if new organ dysfunction or new infections other than VAT.
Active Comparator: 7 day antibiotic course for VAT Patients will receive standard care and 7 day course of antibiotic therapy for VAT. |
Other: 7 day antibiotic course for VAT
Patients will receive standard care plus 7 day course of antibiotic.
Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures
- Ventilator free days [28 days after randomization]
Days alive and free from mechanical ventilation
Secondary Outcome Measures
- Mortality [28 days after randomization]
All cause mortality
- Ventilator associated pneumonia [14 and 28 days after randomization]
Ventilator associated pneumonia incidence
- Intensive care unit free days [28 days after randomization]
Days alive and free from intensive care unit
- Organ dysfunction [Between randomization and day 7.]
Variation in organ dysfunction (measured by the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score). Sequential Organ Failure Assessment scores are measured in 6 organ systems (cardiovascular, hematologic, gastrointestinal, renal, pulmonary and neurologic), with each organ scored from 0 to 4, resulting in an aggregated score that ranges from 0 to 24, with higher scores indicating greater dysfunction.
- Microbiological isolation of multi-resistant bacteria [28 days after randomization.]
Microbiological isolation of multi-resistant bacteria. Any isolation of by microbiological cultures of multi-resistant bacteria following the definition: Acinetobacter baumannii: Resistant to carbapenems and/or polymyxins Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Resistant to carbapenems and/or polymyxins Enterobacteriaceae: Resistant to carbapenems and/or polymyxins (in enterobacteria naturally sensitive to polymyxins) Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) Methicillin/Oxacillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Methicillin/Oxacillin-Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus (MRSA)
- Antibiotic free days [28 days after randomization]
Days alive and free from antibiotic
- Cost analysis [For the first 28 days after randomization]
Cost effectiveness analysis. Direct and indirect hospital costs will be measured and used in the analyses. For that, a local costing system will be built, using the absorption costing methodology (top-down).
Other Outcome Measures
- Nosocomial infections [28 days after randomization]
Incidence of culture positive nosocomial infections in 28 days
- Adverse events [28 days after randomization]
Severe adverse events
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Admission to one of the participating ICUs
Invasive Mechanical ventilation ≥ 48 hours
Available chest imaging of screening day
Clinical diagnosis of VAT, defined by the presence of:
Temperature >38.0°C or <36°C OR leukocytes >12000/mL or <4000/mL or presence >10% of immature forms, AND
Onset of purulent tracheal secretion, or change in characteristics of the secretion, or increase in the amount of respiratory secretion, or increased need for aspiration
- Culture of tracheal secretion from the day of screening under analysis or collected for analysis
Exclusion Criteria:
Pregnant or lactating women
Indication of use of antibiotics or use of systemic antibiotics for any indications at the time of screening
Hemodynamic instability, defined as hypotension unresponsive to volume expansion or increase in vasopressor dose > 0.1mcg/kg/min of noradrenaline or equivalent in the past 6 hours
Worsening of gas exchange, defined as an increase in the fraction of inspired oxygen ≥ 20% or an increase in positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) ≥ 3 cm of water after a stability period ≥ 2 days
Prolonged mechanical ventilation, defined by use of invasive mechanical ventilation for 21 days or more
Presence of pulmonary radiological image suggestive of new infectious infiltrate
Previous lung disease that makes radiological interpretation for the diagnosis of VAP difficult
Previous diagnosis of ventilator associates pneumonia (VAP) during hospitalization
Neutropenic patients (neutrophils <1000/mL)
Known severe immunosuppression
Tracheostomized patients at the time of screening
Inclusion in the study in the past 30 days
Expected limitation of care or early withdrawal of supportive therapies (< 7 days)
Patients with a survival expectancy of less than 48 hours
Refusal of consent to participate in the study
Contacts and Locations
Site | City | State | Country | Postal Code | |
1 | Hospital OTOClinica | Fortaleza | CE | Brazil | |
2 | Hospital Vila Velha | Vila Velha | ES | Brazil | |
3 | Hospital Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte | Belo Horizonte | MG | Brazil | |
4 | Hospital Vila da Serra | Nova Lima | MG | Brazil | |
5 | Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Passos | Passos | MG | Brazil | |
6 | Hospital São Joao Del Rei | São João Del Rei | MG | Brazil | |
7 | Hospital Tricentenário | Olinda | PE | Brazil | |
8 | Hospital Universitário Regional do Norte do Paraná | Londrina | PR | Brazil | |
9 | Hospital Municipal de Maringá | Maringá | PR | Brazil | |
10 | Hospital Ernesto Dornelles | Porto Alegre | RS | Brazil | |
11 | Hospital Itapetininga | Itapetininga | SP | Brazil | |
12 | Hospital Unimed Limeira | Limeira | SP | Brazil | |
13 | Hospital Estadual Mario Covas | Santo André | SP | Brazil | |
14 | Hospital Santa Casa de Sorocaba | Sorocaba | SP | Brazil | |
15 | Hospital Samaritano | São Paulo | SP | Brazil | |
16 | Hospital São Paulo | São Paulo | SP | Brazil |
Sponsors and Collaborators
- Hospital Sirio-Libanes
- Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
- Hospital do Coracao
- Hospital Moinhos de Vento
- Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz
- BP - A Beneficência Portuguesa de São Paulo
- Brazilian Research in Intensive Care Network (BRICNet)
- Principal Investigator: Bruno M Tomazini, MD, Hospital Sírio-Libanês
Study Documents (Full-Text)
None provided.More Information
None provided.- 48749421.0.1001.5461