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Showing 6076 - 6092 of 6,092


Autism, Oxidative Stress, Inflammation Trial in Arrington (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy)

  • Autism
  • +2 more
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
  • Arrington, Virginia
    Blue Ridge Medical Center
Apr 9, 2007

Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial in Milan (cd133+cell intracoronary administration)

  • Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • cd133+cell intracoronary administration
  • Milan, Italy
    Cell Factory, department of regenerative medicine, Policlinic of
Nov 15, 2006

Autism, Autistic Disorder Trial in Hong Kong (Tongue Acupuncture (Procedure))

  • Autism
  • Autistic Disorder
  • Tongue Acupuncture (Procedure)
  • Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Duchess of Kent of Children Hospital
Oct 19, 2006

Paget's Disease of Bone Trial in Brussels (Bisphosphonate treatment)

  • Paget's Disease of Bone
  • Bisphosphonate treatment
  • Brussels, Belgium
    Rheumatology, Molecular Imaging and Experimental Radiotherapy de
Mar 20, 2006

Lung Cancer Trial in Haifa (PET/CT imaging)

Unknown status
  • Lung Cancer
  • PET/CT imaging
  • Haifa, Israel
    Rambam Medical Center
Nov 7, 2006

Cervical Cancer Trial in Limoges (PET)

Unknown status
  • Cervical Cancer
  • PET
  • Limoges, France
  • +2 more
Jan 31, 2006

Dual Time Point PET Imaging in Lymphoma

Unknown status
  • Hodgkin's or Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
    • (no location specified)
    Oct 10, 2006

    Parkinson's Disease Trial in Aarhus (memantine (drug))

    • Parkinson's Disease
    • memantine (drug)
    • Aarhus, Denmark
      PET center, Aarhus University Hospital
    Sep 12, 2006

    Thyroid Tumors Trial in Austria, Germany, Switzerland (external beam radiotherapy)

    • Thyroid Neoplasms
    • external beam radiotherapy
    • Linz, Austria
    • +9 more
    May 8, 2006

    Hodgkin Disease Trial in Dresden (Combined chemo (ABVD, BACOPP-D), Radiation therapy)

    Unknown status
    • Hodgkin Disease
    • Combined chemotherapy (ABVD, BACOPP-D)
    • Radiation therapy
    • Dresden, Sachsen, Germany
      Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik I, University Clinic Carl Gus
    Dec 28, 2005

    Colorectal Liver Metastases, Colorectal Cancer, Tumor Metastasis Trial in Netherlands (FDG-PET scan)

    • Colorectal Liver Metastases
    • +2 more
    • FDG-PET scan
    • Veldhoven, Brabant, Netherlands
    • +3 more
    Aug 30, 2005

    New Highly Sensitive Thyroglobulin Assay in Differentiated

    • Thyroid Neoplasms
      • Münster, Germany
        Department of Nuclear Medicine, Münster University Hospital
      Sep 6, 2005

      Lymphoma, Large-Cell Trial in Sherbrooke (PET/CT 20 days after the first cycle of chemo)

      Unknown status
      • Lymphoma, Large-Cell
      • PET/CT 20 days after the first cycle of chemotherapy
      • Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
        Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke
      Nov 17, 2005

      Lewy Body Disease Trial in United States (Galantamine)

      • Lewy Body Disease
      • Indianapolis, Indiana
      • +4 more
      Dec 15, 2005

      Traumatic Brain Injury Trial in Amsterdam (Positron Emission Tomography)

      Unknown status
      • Traumatic Brain Injury
      • Positron Emission Tomography
      • Amsterdam, Netherlands
        VU University Medical Centre
      Nov 3, 2005

      NSCLC Trial in Ann Arbor (PET scan use in radiotherapy planning)

      • Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung
      • PET scan use in radiotherapy planning
      • Ann Arbor, Michigan
        UH B2 C490 Box 0010 E. Medical Center Drive
      Jun 23, 2005

      Pulmonary Neutrophil Activity in Cystic Fibrosis Using

      Unknown status
      • Cystic Fibrosis
      • FDG-PET
      • +2 more
      • Saint Louis, Missouri
        Washington University School of Medicine
      Jun 23, 2005