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Showing 1 - 25 of 2,662


Depression in Adolescence Trial in Calgary (Pharmacogenetic-guided dosing, GLAD-PC guided dosing)

Not yet recruiting
  • Depression in Adolescence
  • Pharmacogenetic-guided dosing
  • GLAD-PC guided dosing
  • Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    University of Calgary
Jul 25, 2023

Renormalization Associated With Antidepressant Transcranial

  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Neuroimaging with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Charleston, South Carolina
    Medical University of South Carolina
Sep 15, 2023

Glutamatergic Changes in Rapid Antidepressant Effects of Sleep

Not yet recruiting
  • Major Depressive Disorder
  • Sleep Deprivation
  • (no location specified)
May 30, 2023

Depression Trial (intermittend theta burst stimulation (iTBS))

Not yet recruiting
  • Depression
  • intermittend theta burst stimulation (iTBS)
  • (no location specified)
Feb 20, 2023

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Not yet recruiting
  • Depressive Disorder, Major
  • Electroconvulsive therapy
  • (no location specified)
Nov 18, 2022

Depression Trial in Stony Brook (Escitalopram, Placebo)

  • Depression
  • Stony Brook, New York
    Stony Brook University Hospital
Dec 14, 2022

Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressant-Induced Disinhibition

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • +3 more
    • Calgary, Alberta, Canada
      Child and Adolescent Addiction, Mental Health & Psychiatry
    Nov 4, 2022

    Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Trial in Austin (Caffeine)

    Not yet recruiting
    • Female Sexual Arousal Disorder
    • Austin, Texas
      The University of Texas at Austin, Sexual Psychophysiology Labor
    Jan 5, 2023

    Major Depressive Disorder With Anhedonia and Inadequate Response

    Not yet recruiting
    • Depressive Disorder, Major
    • No Intervention
    • (no location specified)
    Apr 24, 2023

    Depressive Disorder Trial in Zhejiang (Antidepressant, Psychotherapy IPT, The combination of antidepressant and IPT)

    • Depressive Disorder
    • Antidepressant
    • +2 more
    • Zhejiang, Hangzhou, China
      The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University
    Jun 23, 2023

    Low Mood, Depression, Anxiety Trial in Oxford (Citalopram, Behavioural Activation, Placebo)

    • Low Mood
    • +2 more
    • Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
      Neurosciences Building, Warneford Hospital
    Nov 15, 2022

    The Antidepressant Advisor: fMRI Study to Predict Treatment

    • Major Depressive Disorder
      • London, United Kingdom
        King's College London, IoPPN
      Jan 4, 2023

      Bipolar Disorder Trial in São Paulo (Probiotic Group, Placebo Group)

      • Bipolar Disorder
      • Probiotic Group
      • Placebo Group
      • São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
        University of Sao Paulo
      Mar 9, 2023

      MDD, Treatment-Resistant Depression, Depression Trial run by the NIMH (Placebo, TS-161 (50 - 100 mg))

      • Major Depressive Disorder
      • +2 more
      • Placebo
      • TS-161 (50 - 100 mg)
      • Bethesda, Maryland
        National Institutes of Health Clinical Center
      Feb 2, 2023

      MDD Trial in Belmont (Sertraline, Bupropion)

      Not yet recruiting
      • Major Depressive Disorder
      • Belmont, Massachusetts
        McLean Hospital
      Sep 8, 2022

      Depression, Bipolar, MDD, Bipolar Disorder Trial (Blood sampling)

      Not yet recruiting
      • Depression, Bipolar
      • +2 more
      • Blood sampling
      • (no location specified)
      Oct 3, 2022

      Depression Trial (PETRUSHKA tool, Usual Care)

      Not yet recruiting
      • Depression
      • PETRUSHKA tool
      • Usual Care
      • (no location specified)
      Oct 31, 2022

      Falls in Older Adults: Analysis of World Health Organization

      • Antidepressants Causing Adverse Effects in Therapeutic Use
      • Fall
      • Antidepressive Agents
      • Caen, Normandie, France
        Caen University Hospital, Department of Pharmacology
      Nov 24, 2022

      Depressive Disorder, Depression, Unipolar Trial in Natal (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine)

      • Depressive Disorder
      • Depression, Unipolar
      • Natal, RN, Brazil
        Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes
      Oct 17, 2023

      Depression Trial in Paris (MAP4343, Placebo)

      • Depression
      • Paris, France
        APHP La Pitié Salpétrière
      Nov 10, 2022

      Brexanolone-induced Antidepressant Effects in Postpartum

      • Postpartum Depression
      • Chapel Hill, North Carolina
        University of North Carolina
      Sep 13, 2022

      Depressive Symptoms, Expectations, Antidepressants Trial in Marburg, Hamburg (Treatment 'discontinuation of antidepressant

      Not yet recruiting
      • Depressive Symptoms
      • +2 more
      • Treatment 'discontinuation of antidepressant medication'
      • +3 more
      • Marburg, Hessen, Germany
      • +1 more
      Mar 1, 2022

      Depression, Executive Dysfunction Trial in Tromsø (Transcranial magnet stimulation, Sham Transcranial magnet stimulation)

      • Depression
      • Executive Dysfunction
      • Transcranial magnet stimulation
      • Sham Transcranial magnet stimulation
      • Tromsø, Norway
        University Hospital North Norway
      Aug 22, 2022

      Treatment Resistant Depression Trial in Taipei City (Active standardized iTBS-DMPFC, Active high-dosage iTBS-DMPFC, Sham

      • Treatment Resistant Depression
      • Active standardized iTBS-DMPFC
      • +2 more
      • Taipei City, Taiwan
        Department of Psychiatry, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
      Aug 28, 2022

      MDD, Treatment Resistant Depression Trial in Chicago, Melbourne (Nitrous oxide gas for inhalation, Placebo)

      • Major Depressive Disorder
      • Treatment Resistant Depression
      • Nitrous oxide gas for inhalation
      • Placebo
      • Chicago, Illinois
      • +1 more
      Dec 21, 2022